Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Reach for...a car!

An ancient dream

At school I am running a course with another teacher for parents on Family SEAL (Social Emotional Aspects of learning). I have worked with children for years and generally feel very at home there but working with adults is something fairly new. I've had mixed emotions - fear at facing adults; definitely out of my normal comfort zone and excitement at doing something new and interesting.

I was talking to the other teacher about doing a warm up session where adults share their goals as children would and it created a real debate between us about goal setting. I like having goals; ideas of where I would like to travel and what I would like to do, although they are very flexible. I like having a fun to do list as well as 'chores'. The other teacher thought that most adults don't have goals and that this would be a difficult task. After a lot of discussion and the inclusion of fun dreams such as a new car we have agreed to give it a go...

As I was doing the washing up I found Les Brown and Zig Ziglar on You Tube, both immensely inspiring and making me want to write down some goals for myself. Both could be a little preachy at first but quite entertaining and funny to listen to with great messages.

I've started reading Fit to Live by Dr Pam Peeke - I've been inspired to lose weight by reading a different book of hers and I'm hoping to break the yo-yo cycle that I have begun and continue to lose or sustain - here goes!

Also on channel five there's a programme How to take stunning pictures which I enjoyed watching this evening.  Another bonus is that Luke was quite happy to curl up and sleep cuddling up to me while I watched this, very relaxing.

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